4 Şubat 2020 Salı

Syrian regime commits carnage since 2011

A country where every kind of carnage has been carried out since March 2011 on behalf of protecting a tyranny administration.
For a personal advantage a man is selling the country by shedding country’s respective innocent people’s blood.
A country leader since March 2011 has been murdering his own innocent and defenseless people.
Shelling, bombing his country nearly for nine years.
Since that time war crime is committed in Syria.
Giving this country as a gift to imperialism so as to reinforce his bloody post.
What the Syrian people want is only a democratic rights, democratic elections.
But this tyranny leader does not accept the lawful rights of these territories’ real owners.
Thanks to imperialists powers, since that date when the Syrian people want to use their free democratic will in elections the Syrian despot leader killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people; millions of displaced as well.
In Syria, imperialist powers use every kind of heavy weapons against defenseless and innocent people including children, women.
The defenseless and innocent people, who have been under these heavy weapons since March 2011 in Syria, do not have regular army and weapons to defend themselves.
Activists say that war crime has been committed, human rights have been violated in Syria.
On the other hand, despite these unlawful, inhumane conditions for long years, the authorized organizations and bodies do not try to stop this carnage in Syria.
Every day the world watches the children lose their lives under heavy bombardment in Syria.
International committee, International Criminal Court, International Law and human rights body seemingly prefer to remain silent. They do not show the necessary reaction against this carnage.
An official of the UN urges international humanitarian law to be active in order to prevent the unprecedented carnage in Syria…
As long as the related humanitarian organizations remain silent and passive the human massacre is encouraged in Syria.