14 Aralık 2016 Çarşamba

“Many of Syrian remains under rubbles”

Many of Syrian people remain under their homes’ wrecks resulting in the heavy bombardment, according to the statement of defenseless Syrian people who exposed to heavy bombardment carried out by the regime.
Unfortunately unprecedented brutality has being carried out in Syria since 11th March 2011.
Unfortunately Syrian people had been plunged into an inextricable trap for six years, as they had a great hope to transform from antidemocratic to democratic regime.  
While Syrian people planned to achieve a democratic situation in the country, instead they have faced genocide.
But these innocent people could not have realized they would have faced this dirty, heinous game.
They trusted in the sincerity, honesty of the western community that seemingly advocates democracy, human rights and rule of law.
But then they had understood that the western community advocates the aforementioned values in favor of themselves, not only all of the communities across the world.
Well, the Syrian people started their action to pass to a democratic regime with lots of hopes and they also thought no one would interfere to their free will. However, the developments in Syria did not happen in line with their expectations, because super powers took place at the side of the antidemocratic regime.
While the Syrian people did not realize their democracy dream, they also lost thousands of hundreds of their people; faced millions of internally displaced people and millions fled their country. 
They lost their lives under heavy bombardment, heavy weapons; they lost their lives in the seas attempting to cross the Mediterranean to look for a safe haven. Aren’t these developments counted as the basic human rights violation?
Whenever they want the humanitarian organizations can condemn any violation of basic human rights. But, they have preferred to remain silent in the face of the genocide in Syria. Is this honesty, is this sincerity, and is this loyalty to basic human rights?
This approach of the humanitarian organizations and international community to this inhumane condition whether in Syria or any other place cannot be accepted, this approach is not accepted as a justice approach.  

This approach is breaching of international law, breaching of justice, breaching of rule of law, breaching of basic human rights…