Türkiye yapısal bir değişim yaşıyor, bunu bütün segmentlerde görmek mümkün yönetim şekli, ekonomi, siyaset ve diğer alanlarda…
Ülkemiz bu değişimin yararlı sonuçlarını almaya başlamış.
Kusurlu olarak kaynamış taşları yerinden sökerek onları yerli yerince tekrar yerleştirmek bazı sıkıntıları beraberinde getiriyor. Alışık düzenin değişmesi toplumun bazı kesimlerini rahatsız ediyor tabii olarak.
Tıpkı kırılan bir kemiğin yanlış kaynaması, acı vermese de fonksiyonunu tam olarak yerine getirememesi, ancak kendisinden beklenen görevi aslı gibi yerine getirme fonksiyonundan yoksun olması. Bu durum ise söz konusu uzuvdan beklenen performans ve verimliliği almakta engel oluşturuyor.
Söz konusu uzvu daha verimli hale getirmek için bazı operasyonları yapmak gerekiyor. İlk anda geçici sancıları olsa da ancak gelecekte acılar unutulmuş ve daha sağlıklı bir yapıya kavuşulmuş olacak.
İşte bu sakat yapıdan kurtulup daha sağlı yapıya kavuşmak için şartlar bu değişimi zorlamış. Aynı zamanda uluslararası arenadaki yarışta eşit şartlara sahip olabilmek bu çarpık yapının değiştirilmesini gerektiriyordu.
Bu nedenle ülkemizde yaşanan bazı değişim ve dönüşümlerin sıkıntı ve acısı yaşansa bile kısa sürede bunun yararlı sonuçlarını ülke ve toplum olarak görüp yaşamak gelecek için ümit verici. Meydana gelen değişimleri her alanda; gerek iç politikada ve gerekse dış politikada görmek mümkün.
Bu değişim küresel dünyanın getirmiş olduğu şartların zorunluluğu nedeniyle devam ediyor. Dünyayla politik, ekonomik, hukuki ve demokratik anlamda uyum çabaları ülkemizi ister istemez böyle bir mecraya yöneltmiş ve önemli mesafeler alınmış…
Bu değişimin bir örneği de tarım sektöründe görülüyor. Ülkemizdeki genel değişime ekonomide önemli bir yer tutan tarım sektörü de katılmak zorunda kalmıştır. Belki biraz hazırlıksız yakalanmış ama şartlar sektörü bu duruma sürüklemiş.
Son zamanlarda et üretimindeki yetersizliğin bir nedeni de ülkemizin içine girdiği bu değişimden kaynaklanıyor. Kırsal kesimden şehirlere nüfus kayması; sanayileşme ve şehirleşme oranının artış göstermesi neticesi olarak hız kazanmış görünüyor.
Sadece ticari olarak değil nüfusun bir kısmı geçim ekonomisi gereği kendi ihtiyacını üretirken, üretici konumundan tüketici konumuna geçmiş.
Aynı zamanda besiciliği ticari olarak yapanlarında yaşanan bu değişim gereği işlerini bırakmaları ya da başka alana yönelmeleri, et üretiminde açık doğmasına neden olmuş. Buna birde uzun yıllardan beridir hayvancılık için çok yararlı olan yaylaların değerlendirilmemesi eklenince söz konusu alanda bir başka olumsuz faktör olmuştur.
Hayvan yetiştiriciliğinin merkezi ve potansiyeli konumunda olan doğu ve güneydoğu Anadolu bölgesinde son 30 yıldır yaşanan olumsuz gelişmeler hayvancılık sektörüne büyük ölçüde darbe vurmuş.
Sürekli yeni işyerlerinin açılmasına ve üretim artışı olmasına rağmen işsizliğe bir türlü büyük oranda kesin çözüm bulunamamış.
Tarım sektörü bir değişim yaşıyor emek yoğun işletmeler teknoloji ağırlıklı sisteme geçiş yapıyor. Son zamanlarda et fiyatlarında yaşanan fiyat artışlarına baktığımızda birkaç soruyu beraberinde getiriyor. Türkiye, hızla sanayileşirken ve ihracatının yüzde 90’lık kısmının sanayi ürünlerinden olmasına rağmen, aynı zamanda bir tarım ve hayvancılık ülkesi. Bu özellik aynı zamanda ülkemiz için önemli ayrıcalık. Bu özelliğini sürdürülebilir bir yapıya kavuşturmak sadece bölgesinde değil dünyada ülkenin stratejik önemini artıracağı gibi gelecek nesiler içinde gıda güvenliğini sağlamış olacak. Netice olarak değişim gelecek adına ümit veriyor.
15 Aralık 2010 Çarşamba
Değişimin sancıları
7 Aralık 2010 Salı
Can Turkey enter the EU?
The 13th progression report about Turkey was issued by the European Council in November.
The Commission is reporting regularly about Turkey and other candidate countries to the Council and the Parliament since 1997.
The content of the report includes progression that made by Turkey in terms of meeting the Copenhagen criteria, according to the report.
It also monitors compliance with international obligations, regional cooperation and good neighborly relations with enlargement countries and Member States.
The basic terms in the aspect of a country to join the EU, a new member state must meet three criteria. The first one is political that measures stability of institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for and protection of minorities.
Second one is economic about existence of a functioning market economy and the capacity to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the Union.
As for the third one is acceptance of the Community acquis for being ability to take on the obligations of membership, including adherence to the aims of political, economic and monetary union.
When we look at the history of Turkey's EU bid, Turkey's European Union entrance adventure goes back some half - century ago.
The country first applied for associate membership in the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1959 and the Association Agreement between Turkey and then EEC was signed in 1963 and entered in force in December 1964. Later Turkey and the EU formed a customs union in 1995.
In the aspect of aforementioned basic criteria, until now Turkey has taken significant steps as political and economic especially in recent years and efforts continue to achieve the rest ones. The authorities of the country are sincere to complete all necessary criteria. Because of accomplishing all of the criteria are the objective of Turkey in order to raise the standards of life.
When we review the discussion over Turkey's membership, there are contradictions on the member countries' opinion. While some officials of the member countries defend in favor of Turkey, some of them state their opposition for Turkey's membership.
While some argued that Turkish membership would bring additional prestige to the European Union, also some of them state that "Full membership for Turkey would benefit both sides."
This kind of discussions has been made for years.
When Turkey made its first application in 1959, most of currently existing 27 member countries had not join the union. Maybe some communist block countries that began to join the union after collapsing of the block could not imagine being a member one day to the EU. Meanwhile, Turkey still has been waiting to join; but it feels that it has been stranded.
According to Turkey's part, Turkey has gestured much things up until now on the way of the EU, in return the country did not see anything. Because of seemingly the opposite side has set up its policy on single-sided win understanding, not win-win.
If we look at the Turkey's side the country has been fulfilling its duty one by one, Turkey also is ahead in some aspects when made a comparison with the some EU member countries' similar criteria such as foreign dept rate and growth rates.
Even though many things made on the way to the EU, there is no clear light at end of tunnel for joining the union.
Turkish people basically have the principles of the EU in its culture such as democracy culture and esteeming to the human rights and so on.
In conclusion, the related circles who are sensitive to the issue comment that Turkey can only enter the union in two conditions, one of them when Turkey raises its all political and economical indicators over the EU's; as for the second opinion, Turkey may enter when the EU comes to the stage of dissolving!
The Commission is reporting regularly about Turkey and other candidate countries to the Council and the Parliament since 1997.
The content of the report includes progression that made by Turkey in terms of meeting the Copenhagen criteria, according to the report.
It also monitors compliance with international obligations, regional cooperation and good neighborly relations with enlargement countries and Member States.
The basic terms in the aspect of a country to join the EU, a new member state must meet three criteria. The first one is political that measures stability of institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for and protection of minorities.
Second one is economic about existence of a functioning market economy and the capacity to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the Union.
As for the third one is acceptance of the Community acquis for being ability to take on the obligations of membership, including adherence to the aims of political, economic and monetary union.
When we look at the history of Turkey's EU bid, Turkey's European Union entrance adventure goes back some half - century ago.
The country first applied for associate membership in the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1959 and the Association Agreement between Turkey and then EEC was signed in 1963 and entered in force in December 1964. Later Turkey and the EU formed a customs union in 1995.
In the aspect of aforementioned basic criteria, until now Turkey has taken significant steps as political and economic especially in recent years and efforts continue to achieve the rest ones. The authorities of the country are sincere to complete all necessary criteria. Because of accomplishing all of the criteria are the objective of Turkey in order to raise the standards of life.
When we review the discussion over Turkey's membership, there are contradictions on the member countries' opinion. While some officials of the member countries defend in favor of Turkey, some of them state their opposition for Turkey's membership.
While some argued that Turkish membership would bring additional prestige to the European Union, also some of them state that "Full membership for Turkey would benefit both sides."
This kind of discussions has been made for years.
When Turkey made its first application in 1959, most of currently existing 27 member countries had not join the union. Maybe some communist block countries that began to join the union after collapsing of the block could not imagine being a member one day to the EU. Meanwhile, Turkey still has been waiting to join; but it feels that it has been stranded.
According to Turkey's part, Turkey has gestured much things up until now on the way of the EU, in return the country did not see anything. Because of seemingly the opposite side has set up its policy on single-sided win understanding, not win-win.
If we look at the Turkey's side the country has been fulfilling its duty one by one, Turkey also is ahead in some aspects when made a comparison with the some EU member countries' similar criteria such as foreign dept rate and growth rates.
Even though many things made on the way to the EU, there is no clear light at end of tunnel for joining the union.
Turkish people basically have the principles of the EU in its culture such as democracy culture and esteeming to the human rights and so on.
In conclusion, the related circles who are sensitive to the issue comment that Turkey can only enter the union in two conditions, one of them when Turkey raises its all political and economical indicators over the EU's; as for the second opinion, Turkey may enter when the EU comes to the stage of dissolving!
29 Ekim 2010 Cuma
Economic perspective of Turkey
Turkey's economy is shown as a dynamic economy by the international institutes because of enjoying cheerful developments in recent years. Of course in these positive developments political stability has played significant role. Due to the government that is ruled by a single party has brought strength to the country compared to the long term coalition governments which pursued populist and myopic policies by 2002. Since late 2002, pleasing progresses have being enjoyed almost in every aspect either inside or abroad.
In 2008, even though the economy obtained strong advancements between 2002- 2007, the GDP annually fell to a 0.9%, due to global contractions and then contracted by 5.8% in 2009.
Emerging quickly from the global economic crisis that caused economic recession which is regarded the deepest and the most widespread in more than six decades, without any outstanding damage and not taking any international financial aid, Turkey is also shown an example country.
Turkey's financial markets and banking system also weathered the 2009 global financial crisis and did not suffer significant declines due to banking reforms implemented during the country's own financial crisis in 2001.
According to the authorities, Turkey has recently been carrying out the successful economic policies and has set a commendable example not only for its region, but for the entire world.
Economists also predicted that economic activity would be better than expected in the final quarter of 2010.
Having a huge development potential, Turkey will be able to maintain its growth depending firstly on stability in both home and international markets.
Thanks to its strong and resilience structure, Turkey's economy posted 10.3% gross-domestic-product growth in the second quarter over the same period preceding year.
According to the forecast of the IMF, Turkey's economy may expand 7.8 percent this year, this might be more than double the pace of European other emerging markets.
The positive developments that are observed by the analysts, the country is shown as a much greater regional and global presence. By successful economic policies, Turkey is also shown a praiseworthy example not only for its region, but for the entire world.
According to Finance Minister Mehmet Şimşek, Turkey would be one of the unique European countries to achieve Maastricht criteria in terms of budget deficit which was foreseen in the budget program for the fiscal year of 2011.
When we take look at Turkey's future expectations in terms of economic projections, the country is planning to achieve a $2 trillion worth of economy, with per capita income up to $23,000, in addition having scheduled for a 500-billion dollars worth of exports per annum by 2023.
Turkey's economy has over recent years become more and more diversified.
The main sectors of Turkey's industries are textiles and clothing, in addition production of automotive and electronics industries are quickly gaining ground. Especially automotive sector is regarded as a rising star due to its state-of-the-art technology and exporting almost allover the world. Also the construction sector is another emerging star in the neighboring and surrounding countries.
In addition to the bad sides, there was also a positive side of the global crisis for the Turkish economy; inflation plunged by 5.9 pct in 2009, 34-year low.
Although having enjoyed good things in the economy, there is also something to be fulfilled and structural problems to be solved such as current-account deficit and trade deficit.
The government raised its forecast for this year's current-account deficit to $39.3 billion, or 5.4% of GDP, from $18 billion. This year's trade deficit is expected to be $65.8 billion.
In conclusion, while Turkey tries to maintain its positive developments, it also will exert to solve its two main problems, current account deficit and unemployment.
In 2008, even though the economy obtained strong advancements between 2002- 2007, the GDP annually fell to a 0.9%, due to global contractions and then contracted by 5.8% in 2009.
Emerging quickly from the global economic crisis that caused economic recession which is regarded the deepest and the most widespread in more than six decades, without any outstanding damage and not taking any international financial aid, Turkey is also shown an example country.
Turkey's financial markets and banking system also weathered the 2009 global financial crisis and did not suffer significant declines due to banking reforms implemented during the country's own financial crisis in 2001.
According to the authorities, Turkey has recently been carrying out the successful economic policies and has set a commendable example not only for its region, but for the entire world.
Economists also predicted that economic activity would be better than expected in the final quarter of 2010.
Having a huge development potential, Turkey will be able to maintain its growth depending firstly on stability in both home and international markets.
Thanks to its strong and resilience structure, Turkey's economy posted 10.3% gross-domestic-product growth in the second quarter over the same period preceding year.
According to the forecast of the IMF, Turkey's economy may expand 7.8 percent this year, this might be more than double the pace of European other emerging markets.
The positive developments that are observed by the analysts, the country is shown as a much greater regional and global presence. By successful economic policies, Turkey is also shown a praiseworthy example not only for its region, but for the entire world.
According to Finance Minister Mehmet Şimşek, Turkey would be one of the unique European countries to achieve Maastricht criteria in terms of budget deficit which was foreseen in the budget program for the fiscal year of 2011.
When we take look at Turkey's future expectations in terms of economic projections, the country is planning to achieve a $2 trillion worth of economy, with per capita income up to $23,000, in addition having scheduled for a 500-billion dollars worth of exports per annum by 2023.
Turkey's economy has over recent years become more and more diversified.
The main sectors of Turkey's industries are textiles and clothing, in addition production of automotive and electronics industries are quickly gaining ground. Especially automotive sector is regarded as a rising star due to its state-of-the-art technology and exporting almost allover the world. Also the construction sector is another emerging star in the neighboring and surrounding countries.
In addition to the bad sides, there was also a positive side of the global crisis for the Turkish economy; inflation plunged by 5.9 pct in 2009, 34-year low.
Although having enjoyed good things in the economy, there is also something to be fulfilled and structural problems to be solved such as current-account deficit and trade deficit.
The government raised its forecast for this year's current-account deficit to $39.3 billion, or 5.4% of GDP, from $18 billion. This year's trade deficit is expected to be $65.8 billion.
In conclusion, while Turkey tries to maintain its positive developments, it also will exert to solve its two main problems, current account deficit and unemployment.
9 Ekim 2010 Cumartesi
Yağmur Hasadı
Tarım sektörü yavaş yavaş hasat mevsiminin sonuna yaklaşıyor. Ülkemiz zengin bir ürün çeşitliliğine sahip. Bu zenginliği aynı zamanda iklim çeşitliliğinde de görmek mümkün. Bu önemli avantaj ülkemize hemen hemen yılın her mevsiminde tarımsal üretim yapma şansını veriyor. Batı bölgelerimizde yılın ilk aylarında başlayan ekim dikim mevsimi, doğu bölgelerine doğru gidildikçe bahar ve yaz aylarına doğru yaklaşıyor. Aynı şekilde yediğimiz ve içtiğimiz gıdaların temel kaynağı olan tarım ürünlerinin hasadı da benzer bir seyir izliyor.
Su bol ürün almanın en temel bileşenlerinden biri...
Suyun da kaynağı yağmur ve kar.
Mevsim sonbahar, yağmur ve kar yağışının başladığı dönem.
Bu aylarda depolanacak suları yıl boyunca başta tarım olmak üzere farklı ihtiyaç alanlarında kullanıyor olacağız.
Yağmuru mümkün olduğunca bolca depolamamız gerekiyor.
Bunun için gerekli zeminin hazırlanması lazım.
Suyu kaybetmek başta temel gıda maddeleri olmak üzere, insan için elzem olan birçok şeyi kaybetmek manasına geliyor.
Her geçen gün artan şehircilik ve nüfus büyümesi başta toprak ve su kaynaklarını olumsuz etkiliyor.
Bu olumsuz durumu mümkün olduğunca minimuma indirmek için şehircilik planlamasının değişen durumları nazari dikkate alarak yeniden yapılması gerekiyor.
Bundan 20–30 sene öncesinin planlama anlayışı günümüz şartlarını ve ihtiyaçlarını karşılamaktan uzak duruyor.
Geniş yollar, çok katlı binalar, küçük bir kasaba, hatta küçük bir il nüfusunu alacak kadar büyüklükte siteler kısa zamanda yapılarak hizmete sunuluyor.
Bunlara götürülmesi gereken altyapı hizmetleri; yol, su, elektrik, telefon, kanalizasyon, ulaşım ve son yıllarda doğal gaz yatırımları başı çekiyor.
Bu hizmetler yapılırken en büyük darbe tabii kaynaklara vuruluyor.
Su ve toprak ise bu olumsuz gidişten en fazla etkilenen ikili.
Yağmurlu havalarda dereler, hatta kısa süreli de olsa, oluşan nehirler boşa akıyor!
Mevcut altyapı su kaynaklarımızın temelini oluşturan yağmur sularını kabullenecek yapıya sahip değil. Yağan yağmur boşa akıyor. Bu dereciklerin toprağa verilmesi lazım.
Son yıllarda yeraltı su seviyeleri düşme trendine girmiş. Sondaj faaliyetlerinde suyu bulmak için her geçen yıl sürekli daha derine iniliyor.
Suyun kaynağı yağmur…
Ancak yağmurun düzenli yağması gerekiyor. Bu düzeni korumak mümkün değil. Yağış düzeni değiştiğinde ve beklenen aralıklarda düşmediği zaman kuraklık baş gösteriyor.
Yapılması gerekenin ise yağmurun verimliliğini artırmak, hasadını iyi yapmak olacak.
Aksi takdirde azalma trendine girmiş olan su kaynakları yok olabilir, gelecekte büyük su sıkıntıları çekilebilir.
Artan şehir nüfusu ve bu nüfusu doyurmak için gerekli olan su ihtiyacı her geçen gün artış gösteriyor. Giderek su arzı, talebi karşılayamaz duruma doğru gidiyor. Arzın talebi karşılayamadığı durumlarda su stresi ve su kıtlığı baş gösteriyor. Tedbirlerin bu duruma düşmeden alınması gerekir.
Bu nedenle yağan yağışı su havzalarında ve toprakta azami oranda tutmak için gerekli ortamı hazırlamak bir mecburiyet halini almış.
Daha fazla ürün hasadı için daha fazla yağmur hasadı yapmamız lazım.
Bunun için ise her kesime görev düşüyor. Bu konuda herkesin ve ilgili kesimlerin yapması gereken işler var.
Yapılacak yatırımlar bu anlayışa göre tasarlanmalı. Yağmur suyunun artık kanalizasyonlarla denizlere akıtılması yanlışlığından mümkün olduğu kadar kaçınmalı ve bu büyük israfa son vermenin alt yapısını hazırlamalıyız.
Bunun için de yağmur hasadı büyük önem taşıyor.
27 Eylül 2010 Pazartesi
Clock is ticking for MDGs
Poverty, starvation, diseases, basic human rights and rule of law are the common problem of many people across the world. These basic matters appear especially in the least-developed countries. Another basic issue is the lack of democratization in the least-developed countries.
Bad governance, strife and wars also constitute a great hindrance to access today's modern and humanitarian administration regimes.
As for education issue is another vital lack to solve their problems in a compromising situation.
Currently there are some 1 billion people who cannot find sufficient nutrition for their basic needs and also 2.4 billion cannot access to suitable sanitation. There are nearly 1 billion people cannot access the safety drinking water as well.
In solving all of these problems leadership has a critical role. A leader of a community and country's has a fundamental and accountable role to take its community and country to a safe and reliable condition. A great responsibility falls on the shoulders of leaders in guidance and management as well as cooperating with the civil society organizations to raise their societies' living standards.
The poor countries have been affected more by the global warming and climate change than the developed countries.
In the face of this inhuman table to solve this huge problem of the world, ten years ago, on 8 September 2000, world leaders came together to sign the Millennium Declaration in order to relieve millions of people.
The related resolution has been passed by the General Assembly of the UN on 14 December 2000 to guide its implementation.
Ten years ago, heads of state and governments undertook a serious commitment to fight extreme poverty and hunger and achieve substantial progress in development by 2015.
Five years later progress on implementation of the declaration had been reviewed at the 2005 World Summit of leaders. The summit evaluated the development successful by stating "it was no small feat." They seemed hopefully that the Millennium Development Goals are achievable.
Now the leaders gathered again on 20-22 Sept. to evaluate the period of 10 years of the targets. The leaders are promising to build a more prosperous, just and peaceful world.
The world has recorded impressive successes in reducing poverty, empowering women and increasing access to essential services like education, health care and clean water.
Even there is some anxiety to accomplish the goals.
The statements show that the reviews of MDG progress in various countries have revealed many successes, but also the need for urgent, focused action.
For example, the absence of enhanced efforts, many countries risk missing one or more of the targets by the deadline.
However, if the impediments causing slow or decelerating progress are known, these bottlenecks can be removed through the application of sound, evidence-based knowledge of what is likely to work.
According to the statement of the secretary general, many of the attendee countries have already committed to launch new initiatives. Others have pledged to do so in the near future.
After putting the entire key issues and ideas on the table, the UN emphasized jobs, especially green jobs, inclusive and sustainable development. Because of the environment and ecosystems in both the poor nations and the entire world are the one of the most important issues to solve poverty and hungry.
Achieving the MDGs is possible.
"We have the experience, the technology, the money and the plan to address the challenges systematically. What we need is the will to put it into action," the UN stressed.
Finally, the works which to be accomplished is much and time is diminishing and the problem is not solvable, the only thing is to be faithfully to fulfill the promises up to 2015.
Bad governance, strife and wars also constitute a great hindrance to access today's modern and humanitarian administration regimes.
As for education issue is another vital lack to solve their problems in a compromising situation.
Currently there are some 1 billion people who cannot find sufficient nutrition for their basic needs and also 2.4 billion cannot access to suitable sanitation. There are nearly 1 billion people cannot access the safety drinking water as well.
In solving all of these problems leadership has a critical role. A leader of a community and country's has a fundamental and accountable role to take its community and country to a safe and reliable condition. A great responsibility falls on the shoulders of leaders in guidance and management as well as cooperating with the civil society organizations to raise their societies' living standards.
The poor countries have been affected more by the global warming and climate change than the developed countries.
In the face of this inhuman table to solve this huge problem of the world, ten years ago, on 8 September 2000, world leaders came together to sign the Millennium Declaration in order to relieve millions of people.
The related resolution has been passed by the General Assembly of the UN on 14 December 2000 to guide its implementation.
Ten years ago, heads of state and governments undertook a serious commitment to fight extreme poverty and hunger and achieve substantial progress in development by 2015.
Five years later progress on implementation of the declaration had been reviewed at the 2005 World Summit of leaders. The summit evaluated the development successful by stating "it was no small feat." They seemed hopefully that the Millennium Development Goals are achievable.
Now the leaders gathered again on 20-22 Sept. to evaluate the period of 10 years of the targets. The leaders are promising to build a more prosperous, just and peaceful world.
The world has recorded impressive successes in reducing poverty, empowering women and increasing access to essential services like education, health care and clean water.
Even there is some anxiety to accomplish the goals.
The statements show that the reviews of MDG progress in various countries have revealed many successes, but also the need for urgent, focused action.
For example, the absence of enhanced efforts, many countries risk missing one or more of the targets by the deadline.
However, if the impediments causing slow or decelerating progress are known, these bottlenecks can be removed through the application of sound, evidence-based knowledge of what is likely to work.
According to the statement of the secretary general, many of the attendee countries have already committed to launch new initiatives. Others have pledged to do so in the near future.
After putting the entire key issues and ideas on the table, the UN emphasized jobs, especially green jobs, inclusive and sustainable development. Because of the environment and ecosystems in both the poor nations and the entire world are the one of the most important issues to solve poverty and hungry.
Achieving the MDGs is possible.
"We have the experience, the technology, the money and the plan to address the challenges systematically. What we need is the will to put it into action," the UN stressed.
Finally, the works which to be accomplished is much and time is diminishing and the problem is not solvable, the only thing is to be faithfully to fulfill the promises up to 2015.
11 Eylül 2010 Cumartesi
Suyun Giderek Artan Önemi
Sapanca - 2009 |
Susuzluktan en çok fakirler etkileniyor. Günümüzde 1 milyar civarında insan güvenli suya ulaşamıyor. Afrika’da suya ulaşmak için kilometrelerce yol kat ediliyor. Bulunan suyun da ne kadar güvenli olduğu ise ayrı bir tartışma konusu.
Canlı varlıkların bünyelerinin büyük kısmı su ile dolu. Bütün canlılar için yaşam destek ünitesi gibi hayati bir role sahip olan suyun fişini çektiğiniz anda hayat son bulacak.
Birleşmiş Milletlerin tahminine göre, çok değil birkaç yıl sonra dünya nüfusunun çoğu şehirlerde yaşıyor olacak. Bu gelişme bir yandan suya olan talebi artırırken, diğer taraftan aynı oranda kirliliği artıracak.
İnsan vücudunun 2/3’ü sudan oluşmakta, aynı oran suyun yeryüzündeki dağılımı için de geçerli; gezegenimizin 2/3’ü suyla kaplı. Bu orana suyun altın oranı demek de mümkün.
Son yıllarda yeryüzünde meydana gelen su kaynaklı felaketler bu oranın bozulmasından mı meydana geliyor; bu oranın bozulduğu yerlerde mi normalin dışında su ilişkili felaket olayları meydana geliyor sorusu araştırmaya değer bir konu.
Dünyada güvenli suya olan ihtiyaç her geçen gün artış gösteriyor. Canlıların hayatlarını sürdürmelerinde belirleyici role sahip olan su, yirmi birinci yüzyılda hayatın her alanında baş role sahip, önde gelen önemli konularından biri olacak.
Su kaynaklarını besleyen sistemlerin çeşitli sebeplerden dolayı azalma trendine girmesi, suyun bulunduğumuz yüzyılın önemli gerilim konularından biri olacağı yönündeki görüşlere haklılık kazandırıyor.
Bu konuda ulusal ve uluslararası seviyede yapılan açıklamalar konunun sahip olduğu hassasiyeti ortaya koymaktadır.
Özellikle 2025 yılından sonra su konusunun daha da önem kazanacağı ilgililer tarafından vurgulanıyor.
Bu değerlendirmeye göre su, içinde bulunduğumuz yüzyılın en önemli sorunlarından biri olarak görülüyor.
Suyun yönetimi, su kaynaklarının korunması, kirletilmeden muhafaza edilerek sürdürülebilir yapıya kavuşturulması başta ilgili kurumlar olmak üzere herkes tarafından üzerinde durulması gereken yüzyılımızın önemli bir konusu.
26 Ağustos 2010 Perşembe
First decade of 21st century in Turkish economy
Prosperity and development are the basic elements of many countries in order to enable their people to enjoy fundamental rights and opportunities. Despite many international organizations via their finance and know-how to enable and encourage nations to realize their developments, there are lots of countries which had not achieved in this issue across the world. So the rules of development involve mainly the related nation’s exclusive efforts, good governance, skilled and well educated staff through a democratic regime.
In recent years, Turkey’s economy has recorded outstanding developments. In this advancement, current government’s policy has played a significant function. Removing some barriers and taboos one by one that remained in front of the country’s improvement, the administration has achieved noteworthy advancements.
In this progress, while strict economic rules have played outstanding role, also coming into the power as a single political party is an important function.
Since the government has come to the office, it has made radical changes almost in every aspect. Almost Turkey has been enjoying a breeze of change in many areas ranging from economy to foreign policy and lawful regulations. In addition, acting determinatively and faithfully has catalyzed to realize the reforms.
Letting potential investment areas get into activity, Turkish economy has been enjoying pleasant progresses. Foreign investors have been assured in order to inflow their foreign direct investment higher than ever before to Turkey in the first decade of 2000s.
In this process, interest and inflation rates, which had been in the double digits for long years, have plunged from the double digit to single digit. Exports have folded nearly three times from $36 billion to over $110.
Thanks to its zero problem policy with its neighboring and surrounding countries, Turkey's trade has also showed a development.
Activating its idle potential Turkey has expanded its GDP from $230 billion to $730 within 6 years. While per capita income was $3 thousand in 2002, this figure raised by $10 thousand in 2008. Regarding the global economic crisis reducing by $8 thousand 500, it is expected per capita income will reach by $10 thousand in 2010. Ridding of the global crisis successfully earlier than other countries without any important loss, Turkey is shown as an example to the world due to its successful and stable economic development.
Meanwhile Turkey’s harmonization process with the European Union has enabled the country to take steps in the democratic and economic areas.
In the past suffering from a series of coalition governments with weak economic policies, Turkish economy experienced a deep economic downturn (GNP fell 9.5% in 2001) and an increase in unemployment, according to the source.
Following recovery program, Turkey's economy grew an average of 6.0% per year from 2002 to 2007; it is shown one of the highest sustained rates of growth in the world. As well as inflation and interest rates fell significantly, the currency stabilized, and government debt declined to more supportable levels (39.5% of GDP in 2008).
However, booming economic growth contributed to a growing current account deficit (-5.6% of GDP or $41.6 billion in 2008).
Due to the global economic slowdown and reduced exports, growth was 1.1% in 2008 and the economy contracted by 4.7% in 2009. Having recovered quickly in the last quarter of 2009, in the first quarter of 2010 growth became 11.7 percent. This indicates that this year’s growth would be 6.5 percent.
Finally, in the first decade of 2000s apart from the first two years, Turkey has seen a remarkable progress. Turkey has also built a solid base for the next decade in its development. If the single party can maintain its ability with this determination and enthusiasm, Turkey’s economy would achieve to enter first 10 economies of the world.
In recent years, Turkey’s economy has recorded outstanding developments. In this advancement, current government’s policy has played a significant function. Removing some barriers and taboos one by one that remained in front of the country’s improvement, the administration has achieved noteworthy advancements.
In this progress, while strict economic rules have played outstanding role, also coming into the power as a single political party is an important function.
Since the government has come to the office, it has made radical changes almost in every aspect. Almost Turkey has been enjoying a breeze of change in many areas ranging from economy to foreign policy and lawful regulations. In addition, acting determinatively and faithfully has catalyzed to realize the reforms.
Letting potential investment areas get into activity, Turkish economy has been enjoying pleasant progresses. Foreign investors have been assured in order to inflow their foreign direct investment higher than ever before to Turkey in the first decade of 2000s.
In this process, interest and inflation rates, which had been in the double digits for long years, have plunged from the double digit to single digit. Exports have folded nearly three times from $36 billion to over $110.
Thanks to its zero problem policy with its neighboring and surrounding countries, Turkey's trade has also showed a development.
Activating its idle potential Turkey has expanded its GDP from $230 billion to $730 within 6 years. While per capita income was $3 thousand in 2002, this figure raised by $10 thousand in 2008. Regarding the global economic crisis reducing by $8 thousand 500, it is expected per capita income will reach by $10 thousand in 2010. Ridding of the global crisis successfully earlier than other countries without any important loss, Turkey is shown as an example to the world due to its successful and stable economic development.
Meanwhile Turkey’s harmonization process with the European Union has enabled the country to take steps in the democratic and economic areas.
In the past suffering from a series of coalition governments with weak economic policies, Turkish economy experienced a deep economic downturn (GNP fell 9.5% in 2001) and an increase in unemployment, according to the source.
Following recovery program, Turkey's economy grew an average of 6.0% per year from 2002 to 2007; it is shown one of the highest sustained rates of growth in the world. As well as inflation and interest rates fell significantly, the currency stabilized, and government debt declined to more supportable levels (39.5% of GDP in 2008).
However, booming economic growth contributed to a growing current account deficit (-5.6% of GDP or $41.6 billion in 2008).
Due to the global economic slowdown and reduced exports, growth was 1.1% in 2008 and the economy contracted by 4.7% in 2009. Having recovered quickly in the last quarter of 2009, in the first quarter of 2010 growth became 11.7 percent. This indicates that this year’s growth would be 6.5 percent.
Finally, in the first decade of 2000s apart from the first two years, Turkey has seen a remarkable progress. Turkey has also built a solid base for the next decade in its development. If the single party can maintain its ability with this determination and enthusiasm, Turkey’s economy would achieve to enter first 10 economies of the world.
17 Ağustos 2010 Salı
Green Economic Development
A village at Akyazı, Turkey - 2009 |
Today's world has been experiencing a change ranging from economy, politics, environment and climate. As the result of these changes, the current conjuncture urges human beings to get adaptation and restructuring for the new conditions.
In the 20th century, the developed countries of the world have achieved their civilizations based on the fossil fuels, such as coal, petroleum and natural gas without taking into consideration the said black energy resources' undeterred bad results to the environment. Most of the developed foremost countries of the world have benefited from the fossil resources in their developing process to date. In other words, they have mostly built up their economies by using black colored energy resources. So it was called black economic model due to making development based on the fossil resources to get energy. From now on, the world has come to a phase that cannot endure such kind of development model. Because of such kind of development model has been exhausting the fundamental resources which are the indispensable for human and other living creatures to survive. Meanwhile still there are many countries that could not complete their development process.
Although they have not completed their development by using the elements of the black energy resources, they have been affected two folds from the negative effects of the black economic development model compared to the developed countries. Namely the poor nations suffer from the negative effects of the bad results of the black economy model such as global worming, climate change, drought and flood.
What is the solution to get rid of the black economic model?
black energy,
global warming,
green economy
7 Ağustos 2010 Cumartesi
Suyun gücü
Beykoz - 2006 |
Kimyasal formül olarak iki hidrojen ve bir oksijenden meydana gelen ve talebeler tarafından kolayca ezberde tutulan basit bir bileşik.. Şiirlere, türkülere ilham kaynağı olduğu gibi, tarih boyunca topluluklar ve devletlerarasında çatışmalara sebep olmuş, medeniyetlerin kurulma ve yıkılmasında temel faktör olmuş.
21. yüzyılda petrolü sollayarak insanlığın önde gelen kaynağı olacağını sık sık ifade ediliyor. Bunun en önemli sebebi ise yaşlanan dünyamızda temel kaynakların giderek azalması.
Tabiatı oluşturan unsurlardan birinin veya birkaçının yok olması tabii dengeyi bozarak diğerlerinin de sonuna ortam hazırlamakta.
Üzerinde ve içerisinde çok sayıda canlı barındıran ve canlıların yapı taşlarını oluşturan toprak, aynı zamanda suyu da bünyesinde tutuyor. Suyun toprağın bağrında barınmasına çeşitli nedenlerden dolayı engel olunduğunda ise sel olup taşkınları yol açıyor.
Bir bakıma yuvasından edilmiş yaratıklar gibi önüne gelene saldırmakta. Yağmurlar su rezervlerinin oluşması için temel kaynak. Bu kaynakları da en iyi şekilde yönetmek ve değerlendirmek gerekiyor. Büyük şehirlerimiz yağmurlu havalarda endişe ve korkuya kapılmakta. Özellikle sonradan kendiliğinden oluşmuş düzensiz şehirleşmenin olduğu bölgelerde bu endişeli bekleyişin şiddeti daha fazla olmakta.
Şehirciliğin temel esaslarından yoksun olarak oluşmuş bu yerleşim alanları zaman zaman istenmeyen olaylarla karşılaşıyor.
Geride bıraktığımız uzun yıllarda söz konusu yerleşim bölgeleri şehirleşme planının bilimsel esaslarına değil de çarpık yapılaşmanın kurallarına göre inşa edildiği için gerek çevre açısından ve gerekse insan sağlığı ve emniyeti açısından kötü sonuçlar doğurabiliyor.
Son yıllarda şehirleşme anlayışında kentsel değişim adı altında başlayan yeniden yapılanma projeleri başta İstanbul olmak üzere hızlı bir şekilde devam ediyor.
Çeşitli yönlerden uygun olmayan sağlıksız yapının kademeli olarak ortadan kalkması gerek şehircilik estetiği ve gerekse sel tehlikesini ortadan kaldırması açısından da önem taşıyor. Böylece düzenli yapılaşma su ekosistemleri için de önemli düzenlemeyi beraberinde getirmiş olacak.
Modern yaşamın gereklerinden olan içme ve kullanma suyunun yönetimlerin temel görevlerinden olduğu; insan yaşantısında vazgeçilmez olan suyun temini için gereken çalışmaların yapılması önde gelen hizmetler arasında yer almakta.
4 Ağustos 2010 Çarşamba
An example city of South-Eastern: Gaziantep
Gaziantep is one of the most modern industrial provinces of South-Eastern Anatolian Region. Being the center of pistachio nut cultivation in Turkey and with its extensive olive groves and vineyards, nowadays Gaziantep is known one of the most important and industrial centers of Turkey.
Gaziantep is maintaining its efforts for being the most developed and leading city of GAP in agriculture, industry and commerce. In its promotion page is written than the city is famous with its pistachio which is identical by the name of the city in addition to vineyards and olive orchards.
But Gaziantep has exceeded the stage of being only an agricultural city. Having completed its industrialist stage long time ago, the city is harnessing in the international arena.
Entrepreneurship spirit of the businessmen in Gaziantep has progressed and they have converted their knowledge and information accumulation in agricultural area into industrial areas ranging from cement, textile, leather, shoemaking, soap, woodworks, metal and machinery industries.
It maintains its status as an "export gate" by its 120 different products exporting to many countries. Thanks to its own status, Gaziantep constitutes a meaningful and exemplary position for the other cities in the South-Eastern Anatolian Region of Turkey. It is understood that the city of Gaziantep had not spent its time and values for the useless and meaningless things. Acting reasonably and wisely, the city has emerged its beneficial and advantageous values to the forefront.
Gaziantep is maintaining its efforts for being the most developed and leading city of GAP in agriculture, industry and commerce. In its promotion page is written than the city is famous with its pistachio which is identical by the name of the city in addition to vineyards and olive orchards.
But Gaziantep has exceeded the stage of being only an agricultural city. Having completed its industrialist stage long time ago, the city is harnessing in the international arena.
Entrepreneurship spirit of the businessmen in Gaziantep has progressed and they have converted their knowledge and information accumulation in agricultural area into industrial areas ranging from cement, textile, leather, shoemaking, soap, woodworks, metal and machinery industries.
It maintains its status as an "export gate" by its 120 different products exporting to many countries. Thanks to its own status, Gaziantep constitutes a meaningful and exemplary position for the other cities in the South-Eastern Anatolian Region of Turkey. It is understood that the city of Gaziantep had not spent its time and values for the useless and meaningless things. Acting reasonably and wisely, the city has emerged its beneficial and advantageous values to the forefront.
3 Ağustos 2010 Salı
Yaşadığımız Çevreler
Son yıllarda sık sık gerek yazılı ve gerekse görüntülü basında haber, yorum ya da gösteri şeklinde yerini almış ve kamuoyunun ister istemez gündemine girmiş konulardan biri de çevre.
Çünkü çevre insanı ve diğer canlıların yaşantısını doğumdan ölüme kadar olan bir zaman diliminde etkisi altına almakta, ihtiva ettiği şartlara göre söz konusu canlılara etki etmekte.
Çevre bir canlı organizmayı veya bir canlı topluluğu yaşama süresince etkileyen her türlü canlı ve cansız (sosyal, kültürel, tarihi, fiziki ve iklime bağlı) faktörlerin tamamı olarak tanımlanmakta. Çoğu zaman konuşmalarımızda aile çevresi, okul çevresi, arkadaş çevresi gibi ifadelerle konuyu dile getirmekteyiz.
Bu nedenle gerek şahsımızın ve gerekse çoluk çocuğumuzun bulunduğu çevreyi genellikle titizlikle seçmeye çalışır ve idealimizdeki çevre ortamını tercih ederiz.
Fiziki bir çevredeki havanın, suyun ve iklim olarak insan ruhunu ferahlandıran, rahatlatan bir şekilde olması; sosyal ve kültürel çevrenin ise bir insanın saygı duyduğu değerlere bağlı, milli ve manevi değerlere ters düşmeyen bir yapıda olması arzulanır.
Ancak çevre konusu sanayi devriminin başlaması ve kalkınmanın hızlanması ile özellikle 1970’lerin başından itibaren bir başka boyutu ile karşımıza çıkmaya başlamış. Bu yıllardan itibaren gerek ülkemiz ve gerekse dünyada organize çalışmalara başlanmış. 1972 yılında Stockholm, 1992 yılında Rio konferansı Birleşmiş Milletlerin organizasyonu ile Birleşmiş Milletler Çevre Konferansı yapılmış. Çevrede aradığımız özelliklerin başında temizlik geliyor. Temizliğin kültürümüzde önemli bir yeri var. İslam dini temizliğe çok önem vermiş. Atalarımız temizlik konusunda başka milletlere timsal olmuş.
Osmanlı beldelerini gezen yabancılar gördükleri yerleri gıpta ile anlatmışlar. Sonuç olarak havasını soluduğumuz, suyunu içtiğimiz, üretilen gıdaları ile beslendiğimiz çevreye gereken duyarlılığı göstermek herkes için bir görev.
Not: 1997 yılında Aktif İnsan dergisinde yayımlanan makaleden kısaltılarak alınmıştır.
Çünkü çevre insanı ve diğer canlıların yaşantısını doğumdan ölüme kadar olan bir zaman diliminde etkisi altına almakta, ihtiva ettiği şartlara göre söz konusu canlılara etki etmekte.
Çevre bir canlı organizmayı veya bir canlı topluluğu yaşama süresince etkileyen her türlü canlı ve cansız (sosyal, kültürel, tarihi, fiziki ve iklime bağlı) faktörlerin tamamı olarak tanımlanmakta. Çoğu zaman konuşmalarımızda aile çevresi, okul çevresi, arkadaş çevresi gibi ifadelerle konuyu dile getirmekteyiz.
Bu nedenle gerek şahsımızın ve gerekse çoluk çocuğumuzun bulunduğu çevreyi genellikle titizlikle seçmeye çalışır ve idealimizdeki çevre ortamını tercih ederiz.
Fiziki bir çevredeki havanın, suyun ve iklim olarak insan ruhunu ferahlandıran, rahatlatan bir şekilde olması; sosyal ve kültürel çevrenin ise bir insanın saygı duyduğu değerlere bağlı, milli ve manevi değerlere ters düşmeyen bir yapıda olması arzulanır.
Ancak çevre konusu sanayi devriminin başlaması ve kalkınmanın hızlanması ile özellikle 1970’lerin başından itibaren bir başka boyutu ile karşımıza çıkmaya başlamış. Bu yıllardan itibaren gerek ülkemiz ve gerekse dünyada organize çalışmalara başlanmış. 1972 yılında Stockholm, 1992 yılında Rio konferansı Birleşmiş Milletlerin organizasyonu ile Birleşmiş Milletler Çevre Konferansı yapılmış. Çevrede aradığımız özelliklerin başında temizlik geliyor. Temizliğin kültürümüzde önemli bir yeri var. İslam dini temizliğe çok önem vermiş. Atalarımız temizlik konusunda başka milletlere timsal olmuş.
Osmanlı beldelerini gezen yabancılar gördükleri yerleri gıpta ile anlatmışlar. Sonuç olarak havasını soluduğumuz, suyunu içtiğimiz, üretilen gıdaları ile beslendiğimiz çevreye gereken duyarlılığı göstermek herkes için bir görev.
Not: 1997 yılında Aktif İnsan dergisinde yayımlanan makaleden kısaltılarak alınmıştır.
Kayıtlar (Atom)