Click here for the part 1
At the meeting in Istanbul, the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has urged the leaders of the world's poorest countries to agree on a common position and sent a strong political message to the rest of the world on the importance of investing in the least developed countries to eradicate global poverty.
Mr. Ban called for the building of productive capacity and the expanding of opportunities for decent employment for men and women in LDCs.
It means expanding the provision of essential services - education, health, infrastructure and social safety nets, especially for nutrition security.
After this LDCs will try to attract investors to their countires Of course, to make investment is important which will play a remarkable role to eradicate their main problems, but the situation is also important to fulfill this. The UN should also urge to set up a suitable situation and democracy to enable those countries to develop and to reach a peaceful condition, as well as a livable humanitarian condition.
The main point that is advocated the developed countries to support the least-developed countries both politically and economically to make a fairer and more livable world.
Now the meeting in Istanbul, where continents and cultures connect and converge, is seen a new fortune to be remedy for the LDCs. Istanbul is also seen to build a strong bridge to enable the least fortunate and most vulnerable members of these countries to cross to the land of prosperity and security.
14 Mayıs 2011 Cumartesi
First step should be taken by LDCs (Part 1)
The forth meeting of the poorest countries was held in Istanbul, Turkey. The aim of the meeting is to find solution to the Least Developed Countries in order to eradicate their problems such as poverty, strife, unemployment. The previous one was held in Brussels in 2001.
The concept of LDCs originated in the late 1960s and the first group of LDCs was listed by the UN in 1971.
While there were 25 countries in 1971, the number of least developed countries has reached by 48 to date. Since the first meeting of LDCs were discussed in 1981 seemingly there is no change in the problems, on the contrary number of the countries has increased gradually by 2011. This means everything is not going on well in terms of the LDCs.
These countries’ most crucial problem results especially from their structural problems which must be firstly exerted to solve by these countries.
Some of the issues stated in the gathering were corruption and lack of transparency as major problems of the least developed countries, these problems blocked the way to peace and long-term investments as well.
Some of them suffer from having no basic humanitarian rights. Lack of housing standards, education and unemployment problems are huge handicaps of these countries, too.
Per capita income for daily living is one or two dollars.
In solving these problems of the poorest countries, the big accountability falls on the shoulders of administrations, foremost leaders and civil society organizations of these countries.
When we scrutinize the structures of these countries, as if they could not be able to pass to normalization and bring themselves into suitable conditions for development in the globalizing world.
Not being able to accomplish their democratization process, in addition lack of harmonization with the world are the another hindrance in front of the LDCs in order to graduate from the group.
Although there is another initiative that was set up to relieve the poor countries called the Millennium Development Goals. The initiative has been determined at the beginning of this century to alleviate the world's poorest countries by 2015. But in this direction, the sufficient advancement has not been taken to date, according to the announcement of the UN. The Goals are advancing on its way and even some positive developments have been taken, seemingly it is not enough to accomplish in time.
Click here for the part 2
The concept of LDCs originated in the late 1960s and the first group of LDCs was listed by the UN in 1971.
While there were 25 countries in 1971, the number of least developed countries has reached by 48 to date. Since the first meeting of LDCs were discussed in 1981 seemingly there is no change in the problems, on the contrary number of the countries has increased gradually by 2011. This means everything is not going on well in terms of the LDCs.
These countries’ most crucial problem results especially from their structural problems which must be firstly exerted to solve by these countries.
Some of the issues stated in the gathering were corruption and lack of transparency as major problems of the least developed countries, these problems blocked the way to peace and long-term investments as well.
Some of them suffer from having no basic humanitarian rights. Lack of housing standards, education and unemployment problems are huge handicaps of these countries, too.
Per capita income for daily living is one or two dollars.
In solving these problems of the poorest countries, the big accountability falls on the shoulders of administrations, foremost leaders and civil society organizations of these countries.
When we scrutinize the structures of these countries, as if they could not be able to pass to normalization and bring themselves into suitable conditions for development in the globalizing world.
Not being able to accomplish their democratization process, in addition lack of harmonization with the world are the another hindrance in front of the LDCs in order to graduate from the group.
Although there is another initiative that was set up to relieve the poor countries called the Millennium Development Goals. The initiative has been determined at the beginning of this century to alleviate the world's poorest countries by 2015. But in this direction, the sufficient advancement has not been taken to date, according to the announcement of the UN. The Goals are advancing on its way and even some positive developments have been taken, seemingly it is not enough to accomplish in time.
Click here for the part 2
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