Türkiye yapısal bir değişim yaşıyor, bunu bütün segmentlerde görmek mümkün yönetim şekli, ekonomi, siyaset ve diğer alanlarda…
Ülkemiz bu değişimin yararlı sonuçlarını almaya başlamış.
Kusurlu olarak kaynamış taşları yerinden sökerek onları yerli yerince tekrar yerleştirmek bazı sıkıntıları beraberinde getiriyor. Alışık düzenin değişmesi toplumun bazı kesimlerini rahatsız ediyor tabii olarak.
Tıpkı kırılan bir kemiğin yanlış kaynaması, acı vermese de fonksiyonunu tam olarak yerine getirememesi, ancak kendisinden beklenen görevi aslı gibi yerine getirme fonksiyonundan yoksun olması. Bu durum ise söz konusu uzuvdan beklenen performans ve verimliliği almakta engel oluşturuyor.
Söz konusu uzvu daha verimli hale getirmek için bazı operasyonları yapmak gerekiyor. İlk anda geçici sancıları olsa da ancak gelecekte acılar unutulmuş ve daha sağlıklı bir yapıya kavuşulmuş olacak.
İşte bu sakat yapıdan kurtulup daha sağlı yapıya kavuşmak için şartlar bu değişimi zorlamış. Aynı zamanda uluslararası arenadaki yarışta eşit şartlara sahip olabilmek bu çarpık yapının değiştirilmesini gerektiriyordu.
Bu nedenle ülkemizde yaşanan bazı değişim ve dönüşümlerin sıkıntı ve acısı yaşansa bile kısa sürede bunun yararlı sonuçlarını ülke ve toplum olarak görüp yaşamak gelecek için ümit verici. Meydana gelen değişimleri her alanda; gerek iç politikada ve gerekse dış politikada görmek mümkün.
Bu değişim küresel dünyanın getirmiş olduğu şartların zorunluluğu nedeniyle devam ediyor. Dünyayla politik, ekonomik, hukuki ve demokratik anlamda uyum çabaları ülkemizi ister istemez böyle bir mecraya yöneltmiş ve önemli mesafeler alınmış…
Bu değişimin bir örneği de tarım sektöründe görülüyor. Ülkemizdeki genel değişime ekonomide önemli bir yer tutan tarım sektörü de katılmak zorunda kalmıştır. Belki biraz hazırlıksız yakalanmış ama şartlar sektörü bu duruma sürüklemiş.
Son zamanlarda et üretimindeki yetersizliğin bir nedeni de ülkemizin içine girdiği bu değişimden kaynaklanıyor. Kırsal kesimden şehirlere nüfus kayması; sanayileşme ve şehirleşme oranının artış göstermesi neticesi olarak hız kazanmış görünüyor.
Sadece ticari olarak değil nüfusun bir kısmı geçim ekonomisi gereği kendi ihtiyacını üretirken, üretici konumundan tüketici konumuna geçmiş.
Aynı zamanda besiciliği ticari olarak yapanlarında yaşanan bu değişim gereği işlerini bırakmaları ya da başka alana yönelmeleri, et üretiminde açık doğmasına neden olmuş. Buna birde uzun yıllardan beridir hayvancılık için çok yararlı olan yaylaların değerlendirilmemesi eklenince söz konusu alanda bir başka olumsuz faktör olmuştur.
Hayvan yetiştiriciliğinin merkezi ve potansiyeli konumunda olan doğu ve güneydoğu Anadolu bölgesinde son 30 yıldır yaşanan olumsuz gelişmeler hayvancılık sektörüne büyük ölçüde darbe vurmuş.
Sürekli yeni işyerlerinin açılmasına ve üretim artışı olmasına rağmen işsizliğe bir türlü büyük oranda kesin çözüm bulunamamış.
Tarım sektörü bir değişim yaşıyor emek yoğun işletmeler teknoloji ağırlıklı sisteme geçiş yapıyor. Son zamanlarda et fiyatlarında yaşanan fiyat artışlarına baktığımızda birkaç soruyu beraberinde getiriyor. Türkiye, hızla sanayileşirken ve ihracatının yüzde 90’lık kısmının sanayi ürünlerinden olmasına rağmen, aynı zamanda bir tarım ve hayvancılık ülkesi. Bu özellik aynı zamanda ülkemiz için önemli ayrıcalık. Bu özelliğini sürdürülebilir bir yapıya kavuşturmak sadece bölgesinde değil dünyada ülkenin stratejik önemini artıracağı gibi gelecek nesiler içinde gıda güvenliğini sağlamış olacak. Netice olarak değişim gelecek adına ümit veriyor.
15 Aralık 2010 Çarşamba
Değişimin sancıları
7 Aralık 2010 Salı
Can Turkey enter the EU?
The 13th progression report about Turkey was issued by the European Council in November.
The Commission is reporting regularly about Turkey and other candidate countries to the Council and the Parliament since 1997.
The content of the report includes progression that made by Turkey in terms of meeting the Copenhagen criteria, according to the report.
It also monitors compliance with international obligations, regional cooperation and good neighborly relations with enlargement countries and Member States.
The basic terms in the aspect of a country to join the EU, a new member state must meet three criteria. The first one is political that measures stability of institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for and protection of minorities.
Second one is economic about existence of a functioning market economy and the capacity to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the Union.
As for the third one is acceptance of the Community acquis for being ability to take on the obligations of membership, including adherence to the aims of political, economic and monetary union.
When we look at the history of Turkey's EU bid, Turkey's European Union entrance adventure goes back some half - century ago.
The country first applied for associate membership in the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1959 and the Association Agreement between Turkey and then EEC was signed in 1963 and entered in force in December 1964. Later Turkey and the EU formed a customs union in 1995.
In the aspect of aforementioned basic criteria, until now Turkey has taken significant steps as political and economic especially in recent years and efforts continue to achieve the rest ones. The authorities of the country are sincere to complete all necessary criteria. Because of accomplishing all of the criteria are the objective of Turkey in order to raise the standards of life.
When we review the discussion over Turkey's membership, there are contradictions on the member countries' opinion. While some officials of the member countries defend in favor of Turkey, some of them state their opposition for Turkey's membership.
While some argued that Turkish membership would bring additional prestige to the European Union, also some of them state that "Full membership for Turkey would benefit both sides."
This kind of discussions has been made for years.
When Turkey made its first application in 1959, most of currently existing 27 member countries had not join the union. Maybe some communist block countries that began to join the union after collapsing of the block could not imagine being a member one day to the EU. Meanwhile, Turkey still has been waiting to join; but it feels that it has been stranded.
According to Turkey's part, Turkey has gestured much things up until now on the way of the EU, in return the country did not see anything. Because of seemingly the opposite side has set up its policy on single-sided win understanding, not win-win.
If we look at the Turkey's side the country has been fulfilling its duty one by one, Turkey also is ahead in some aspects when made a comparison with the some EU member countries' similar criteria such as foreign dept rate and growth rates.
Even though many things made on the way to the EU, there is no clear light at end of tunnel for joining the union.
Turkish people basically have the principles of the EU in its culture such as democracy culture and esteeming to the human rights and so on.
In conclusion, the related circles who are sensitive to the issue comment that Turkey can only enter the union in two conditions, one of them when Turkey raises its all political and economical indicators over the EU's; as for the second opinion, Turkey may enter when the EU comes to the stage of dissolving!
The Commission is reporting regularly about Turkey and other candidate countries to the Council and the Parliament since 1997.
The content of the report includes progression that made by Turkey in terms of meeting the Copenhagen criteria, according to the report.
It also monitors compliance with international obligations, regional cooperation and good neighborly relations with enlargement countries and Member States.
The basic terms in the aspect of a country to join the EU, a new member state must meet three criteria. The first one is political that measures stability of institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for and protection of minorities.
Second one is economic about existence of a functioning market economy and the capacity to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the Union.
As for the third one is acceptance of the Community acquis for being ability to take on the obligations of membership, including adherence to the aims of political, economic and monetary union.
When we look at the history of Turkey's EU bid, Turkey's European Union entrance adventure goes back some half - century ago.
The country first applied for associate membership in the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1959 and the Association Agreement between Turkey and then EEC was signed in 1963 and entered in force in December 1964. Later Turkey and the EU formed a customs union in 1995.
In the aspect of aforementioned basic criteria, until now Turkey has taken significant steps as political and economic especially in recent years and efforts continue to achieve the rest ones. The authorities of the country are sincere to complete all necessary criteria. Because of accomplishing all of the criteria are the objective of Turkey in order to raise the standards of life.
When we review the discussion over Turkey's membership, there are contradictions on the member countries' opinion. While some officials of the member countries defend in favor of Turkey, some of them state their opposition for Turkey's membership.
While some argued that Turkish membership would bring additional prestige to the European Union, also some of them state that "Full membership for Turkey would benefit both sides."
This kind of discussions has been made for years.
When Turkey made its first application in 1959, most of currently existing 27 member countries had not join the union. Maybe some communist block countries that began to join the union after collapsing of the block could not imagine being a member one day to the EU. Meanwhile, Turkey still has been waiting to join; but it feels that it has been stranded.
According to Turkey's part, Turkey has gestured much things up until now on the way of the EU, in return the country did not see anything. Because of seemingly the opposite side has set up its policy on single-sided win understanding, not win-win.
If we look at the Turkey's side the country has been fulfilling its duty one by one, Turkey also is ahead in some aspects when made a comparison with the some EU member countries' similar criteria such as foreign dept rate and growth rates.
Even though many things made on the way to the EU, there is no clear light at end of tunnel for joining the union.
Turkish people basically have the principles of the EU in its culture such as democracy culture and esteeming to the human rights and so on.
In conclusion, the related circles who are sensitive to the issue comment that Turkey can only enter the union in two conditions, one of them when Turkey raises its all political and economical indicators over the EU's; as for the second opinion, Turkey may enter when the EU comes to the stage of dissolving!
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